Making Homemade Roach Trap

Getting rid of cockroach infestation is one of the hardest task. Smashing each is an invincible task and an inhumane one. If you are looking for a way to tackle this problem without getting your hands dirty, a homemade roach trap post is a great alternative. It is not only effective but also costs less.

How to make a roach trap at home

Most of the items required to make homemade roach traps can be found in your home. In case you do not have them, they can easily be found in the local store and they do not cost much.

roach trap

1. Catching roaches in a bar

This homemade method of trapping cockroaches is safe for pets and children and it is easy to move the jar from one place to another.


  • Look for a quart size jar with a small bottle neck like that of a spaghetti sauce jar or mayonnaise jar.
  • Create a way for the cockroaches to climb in to the jar by wrapping a duct tape all round the jar with the sticky side facing the jar to provide enough traction for the cockroaches to climb up.
  • Then, make the inside of the jar slippery by coating it with petroleum jelly about four inches from the top. This way, the cockroaches cannot climb out of the jar. You can mix petroleum jelly with gel bait to kill the cockroaches on contact.
  • To attract the cockroaches to the jar, put something smelly like an overripe fruit